Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Server : From the other side of the network, the BeagleBone board will have a
dedicated program that will wait for commands to be executed. Similar to the
client, this part will also evolve along with the project.
Python : This is a well-known and widely-used language that lets you focus
on the project quickly.
Code repository : Writing code is an activity that lives, which moves as
programs are not written in stone. This is why a companion repository for
this topic has been created on GitHub . With this online code base, you only
need to retrieve the Matrix Revolution repository with the local git command.
As you have already used Git in the previous chapters, you know that with
a simple command you are sure to work with the last changes (corrections,
improvements, fixes, and so on) from the author. The dedicated site can be
found at http://dlewin.github.io/BeagleboneBlack-Server-Book , as
shown in the following screenshot:
° This is the entry point, in the form of a website where you can
grab the latest version of the projects as a compressed file and
get basic details.
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