Agriculture Reference
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Figure SH1.4
1. Compare the ease of using the traditional stepwise design process to that of the green, iterative
process in terms of incorporating energy-efficient systems and materials.
2. Consider the life cycles of a green roof compared to a traditional roofing system.
3. How might high- and low-tech solutions be merged in this design?
Source: This example was provided by Tom Rose, Director of the Duke Smart Home Program.
The design process that follows this spiral approach is preferable to the current
“loops,” which represent feedback. Half of the loop is retrograde. That is, the
client can infer that the design is progressing, but in order to incorporate various
viewpoints, it is losing ground (and costing more money and time). Often,
however, a synergistic and innovative design never goes backward. In fact, better
and, frequently, more cost-effective features are being integrated into the project
continuously. This goes beyond the “pay now versus pay later” decision, although
considerations of the entire life cycle will save time and money, not to mention
preventing problems of safety and pollution that can lead to costs, dangers, and
liabilities down the road, after completion (see Fig. 1.7).
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