Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
such species is Lantana camara . h is species originally came from Central and
South America, it now occurs throughout most tropical and subtropical areas in
the world (e.g. Asia, Australia, the pacifi c islands, Africa). Lantana camara has
attractive fl owers and thrives in a broad range of temperatures, soil types, and rain-
fall ranges. It is a major weed of disturbed areas including agriculture and areas of
signifi cant environmental value. It is tolerant of slashing and chemical controls
and hence is di cult to control. It has been the subject of biological control eff orts
for many years; these have, at best, only achieved partial success. It continues to
expand its range and become denser in areas where it already exists. It is di cult
to eradicate and takes considerable persistence to do so, and vigilance to prevent
h e recent trend for introducing biofuel crops raises the spectre of new weed
invasions, especially onto marginal land in the tropics or the encouragement of the
clearing of virgin forests to plant alien species, hence creating signifi cant areas of
ecological disturbance. Smuggling
Deliberate illegal introductions can have signifi cant consequences, not only from
the species smuggled, but also other pests and diseases entering with the material.
This can be because of ignorance of the consequences or deliberate avoidance of
extremely strict quarantine regulations. Hence, to lower the likelihood of such
instances there is a need to facilitate movement of material wherever possible, and
where this is not possible to work with people and provide reasons and information
as to why it is so. Therefore, the engagement of populace and good communication
is critical to a robust quarantine system and indeed all aspects of biosecurity.
Another factor that complicates the issue of quarantine or biosecurity is the pos-
sibility of malicious or deliberate introduction of species in an attempt to create
damage or fear e.g. the possible release of zoonotic diseases or widespread distribu-
tion of crop diseases. h is risk should be considered when conducting the overall
risk analyses of threats to a country.
1.5 Actions
The types of action that can be taken to reduce the risk of entry/establishment of
invasive species fall into three broad categories. These are: pre-border actions—
those actions taken outside a country or region; border actions; and post-border
emergency actions. Each category has two main components—physical (e.g.
infrastructure, materials, fi nance) and human (e.g. legislation, procedures, skills).
It should be noted that to establish and maintain quarantine system takes the
ongoing commitment of physical and human resources.
h e objective of quarantine systems is usually to lower the risk or prevent the
entry of identifi ed unwanted organisms. When a quarantine system is developed,
various aspects should be considered. h ese include understanding of the degree
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