In Depth Tutorials and Information
figureā€ƒ1.7 Phase 3 heel lift
plantar foot and posterior leg muscles are active in this period and support
this plantarflexion movement. Overall, the foot may plantarflex 15-25
degrees relative to the leg, with the different rear-, mid- and forefoot joints
making variable contributions. As these joints plantarflex, the first toe
continues to dorsiflex, peaking at 40-50 degrees just prior to the first toe
leaving the ground.
Throughout phase 3, the first toe remains relatively fixed on the ground
and thus it becomes the single point around which the foot and entire
body rotate. There are a number of popular ideas regarding the causes
and consequences of reduction in first toe dorsiflexion during stage 3 of
gait. Certainly, pronating a weight-bearing foot will tend to reduce the
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