In Depth Tutorials and Information
figureā€ƒ1.6 Phase 2 mid stance
The force applied to the body by the ground reduces during this phase
because the body mass is moving upwards away from the ground.
Loading falls to a minimum of about 0.8 times body weight at around the
time when the hip is above the ankle.
Phase 3 of gait
The site of load under the mid- and forefoot continues to move distally
as the heel, then midfoot, and eventually the forefoot become unloaded.
Load moves from the lateral midfoot and forefoot towards the first meta-
tarsal head and first toe ( Figure 1.7 ). This occurs not because of foot
pronation, but because the upper body moves from above the weight-
bearing foot towards the other foot, which has just entered phase 1 of
During this period the ankle, midtarsal and other midfoot joints all
plantarflex to assist in moving the body forwards into the next step. The
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