In Depth Tutorials and Information
Pes cavus/cavoid foot:   a high-arched foot with an inverted 
calcaneus. Associated with lateral weightbearing, lateral instability and 
lateral ankle sprains.
Pes planus/pes planovalgus:   an elongated foot with an everted 
calcaneus and flattened arch.
Plantarflexed/plantarflexion:    a 'toe-down' motion of the foot at the 
ankle which moves the dorsum of the foot further away from the 
anterior aspect of the tibia. Digital plantarflexion involves moving the 
toes downwards away from the dorsum of the foot.
Plantigrade:   walking on the sole of the foot with the heel touching the 
ground. Plantigrade function is compromised, for example, in cerebral 
palsy if there is an ankle equinus which restricts the heel from 
contacting the ground.
Posterior:   located behind a part or towards the rear of a structure.
Pronation/pronated:   a combination of dorsiflexion, eversion and 
abduction movements taking place in the tarsal and metatarsal joints 
which results in lowering of the medial margin of the foot and hence 
of the longitudinal arch.
Proximal:   nearer to a point of reference or attachment, usually the 
trunk of the body, than other parts of the body. Proximal 
interphalangeal joints are those closest to the foot.
Sagittal plane:   the longitudinal plane that divides the body into right 
and left sections.
Supination/supinated:   a combination of plantarflexion, inversion and 
adduction taking place in the tarsal and metatarsal joints which results 
in raising of the medial margin of the foot and hence of the 
longitudinal arch.
Toe spring:   the front part of the shoe sole. The height can range from 
being completely flat on the floor, i.e. no toe spring, to being elevated 
enough to create a rocker sole, and is dependent on shoe design and 
intended function.
Transverse plane:   the plane passing through the body from side to 
side, at right angles to the median plane, dividing the body into top 
and bottom or superior and inferior parts.
Valgus:   a frontal plane position in which the foot or part of a limb is 
turned outwards away from the midline.
Varus:   a frontal plane position in which the foot or part of a limb is 
turned inwards toward the midline.
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