Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Chiclayo's role as the commercial heart of the district has allowed it to overtake other
once-vital organs of the region, such as the nearby city of Lambayeque, and this bustling
metropolis shows few signs of slowing down.
La Ciudad de la Amistad (the City of Friendship) holds a friendly, outstretched hand to
the wayward venturer. While it's shaking hands hello, it will probably slip in a bold mix
of unique regional dishes to tickle your taste buds. Known for its brujos (witch doctors),
the fascinating market here is a Wal-Mart of shamanistic herbs, elixirs and other sagely
curiosities. While the town itself is pretty light on tourist attractions, the dozens of tombs
with Moche and Chimú archaeological booty surrounding the area should not be missed.
Sights & Activities
In 1987 a royal Moche tomb at Sipán , 30km southeast of Chiclayo, was located by re-
searchers. This find proved to be extraordinary, as archaeologists recovered hundreds of
dazzling and priceless artifacts from the site. Excavation continues. Partly because of
these rare treasures, the Chiclayo area has single-handedly cornered the Peruvian market
for exceptionally well-designed museums; a case in point is the excellent museum in
Lambayeque , 11km north of Chiclayo. Other sites worth visiting are the ruins at
Túcume , another great museum in Ferreñafe , as well as a number of coastal villages.
The Plaza de Armas is a great place to amble as it fills nightly with sauntering couples,
evangelical preachers and an army of underemployed shoe shiners.
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