Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
You can rent surfing gear (S15 to S30 per day for a wetsuit and surfboard) from several
places along the main drag.
( 63-4503; ; Larco 650) Huanchaco's longest-running
surf school and said to be the most reliable. Two-hour lessons run S45 and board/wetsuit
rental is S15 per day.
Un Lugar
( 94-957-7170; ; Atahualpa 225) Two blocks back
from the main beach road. This rustic surf school/guesthouse is run by highly skilled Juan
Carlos and provides private two-hour lessons for S45. It also rents boards and suits, and
organizes surfing safaris to Puerto Chicama and other iconic Peruvian surf spots. Bare-
bones bamboo treehouse-style rooms are also available for S15 per person.
(Larco 850) Surf school that rents surfing gear.
Festivals & Events
Carnaval festival, religious
A big event in Huanchaco; in February/March.
Festival del Mar
This festival re-enacts the legendary arrival of Takaynamo, founder of Chan Chan. Expect
surfing and dance competitions, cultural conferences, food, music and much merrymak-
ing. Held every other year (even years) during the first week in May.
You can find Naylamp in the northern part of Huanchaco, while at the southern end of
town there are a few guesthouses in the small streets running perpendicular to the beach.
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