Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
More than a thousand APRA party followers are executed by the military at the ancient
ruins of Chan Chan, following an uprising in Trujillo.
General Manuel Odría assumes power for eight years, encouraging foreign investment
and cracking down on the APRA movement.
Mario Vargas Llosa publishes La ciudad y los perros ( The Time of the Hero ), an ex-
perimental novel set at a military academy in Lima.
General Juan Velasco Alvarado takes power in a coup d'etat; in his seven years in of-
fice, he promulgates a populist agenda that involves 'Peruvianization' of all industry.
A 7.7-magnitude earthquake in northern Peru kills almost 80,000 people, leaves
140,000 injured, and another 500,000 homeless.
Guerilla group Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) takes its first violent action - burning
ballot boxes - in the Ayacucho region; the incident draws little notice from the press.
Fernando Belaúnde Terry becomes the first democratically elected president after a
12-year military dictatorship, but his term is plagued by economic instability and viol-
ence in the Andes.
In one of the more high-profile massacres of the Internal Conflict, eight journalists are
murdered in the Andean town of Uchuraccay.
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