Travel Reference
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Ramón Castilla begins the first of four nonconsecutive presidential terms, bringing
some degree of stability to Peru.
Scholar Ricardo Palma publishes the first of a series of books - known as the Tradi-
ciones Peruanas - that chronicle a distinctly criollo (creole) folklore.
Chile wages war against Peru and Bolivia over nitrate-rich lands in the Atacama
Desert; Peru loses the conflict - in addition to its southernmost region of Tarapacá.
Poet César Vallejo is born in the highlands; he lives for only 46 years, but his spare
phrasing and socially-conscious themes make him one of the continent's transformat-
ive literary figures.
Nicolás de Piérola is elected president, beginning a period of relative stability buoyed
by a booming world economy.
US historian Hiram Bingham arrives at the ruins of Machu Picchu; his 'discovery' of
the ancient city is chronicled in National Geographic .
Northern political leader Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre founds APRA, a populist, anti-
imperialist political party that is immediately declared illegal.
Journalist and thinker José Carlos Mariátegui publishes the Seven Interpretive Essays
on Peruvian Reality, which heavily critiques the feudal nature of his country's society.
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