Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Atop the plateau 6km north of Logiya, it's a shock to come suddenly upon Semera , the
Afar region capital. With its soulless mix of workers barracks, administrative buildings,
sheet-metal shacks and petrol stations, it looks like a crummy little desert version of
Brasília, and about the only people who live here are government workers and university
students. Permission papers (Birr100 per person per place) to visit Hadar archaeological
site, the lakes around Asaita ( Click here ) and to enter the Danakil Depression ( Click
here ) are handed out at the Culture & Tourism Bureau ( 0336-660488; 7am-
noon & 3-6pm Mon-Fri) in the regional office on the way into town. The office is in the
building out the back that was supposed to be the 'Lucy Museum'.
Eight kilometres past Semera, the easy-to-miss asphalt road to Asaita (look for the
Commercial Bank sign) branches off to the right.
Sleeping & Eating
If you need to break your journey, the choice of reliable accommodation is very limited.
Most hotels are scruffy and spartan and cater primarily to Ethiopian truck drivers on their
way to and from Djibouti port.
The following options are listed as encountered from south to north, and in all cases are
indisputably the best in town. The resorts should be booked in advance. For lodging in
Awash, Click here .
Bilen Lodge $$$
( 0111-508869; ; Andido; s/d tukul incl breakfast US$60/80,
s/d full board US$115/184; ) This hideaway, a favourite with birdwatchers, has 16
traditional-style reed huts with concrete floors perched on a ridge overlooking the reedy
expanse of the Bilen hot springs. The huts are small and simple and the showers are cold,
making them overpriced (the meals are very overpriced), but it all adds up to a relaxing
escape and the lodge's guides can take you to visit nearby Afar villages. It's poorly
signed, 10.5km from the highway; look for the water tower.
Animalia Lodge $$$
0115-509364;; Andido; cottage d/tw US$50/70;
Inferior to Bilen Lodge in every way except price (the savings coming mostly in meal
costs), this utilitarian hunting lodge lacks atmosphere but is nevertheless an OK choice.
It's perched on a ridge though some cottages sit far away from it. It's 8.5km from the
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