Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
If the RODC is not prestaged, you can still install it by using Windows PowerShell. Follow
these steps:
Install Windows Server 2012 R2, either full or core installation.
Install the AD DS server role, including the management tools and Windows
PowerShell cmdlets, by using this command:
Install-WindowsFeature `
-Name AD-Domain-Services `
-IncludeAllSubFeature `
3. Assign the server fixed IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for all network adapters and set the
server's name.
Promote the server to an RODC and install DNS with the following commands:
$myCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your domain credentials"
Install-ADDSDomainController `
-DomainName "" `
-Credential $myCred `
-InstallDNS `
5. You'll be prompted for the SafeModeAdministrorPassword on the command line and
then to confirm the password. Make sure that you enter a password that meets the
length and complexity requirements for the domain.
When the domain controller promotion completes, the new RODC restarts.
For the full syntax and options for the Install-ADDSDomainController cmdlet, see .
Installing a RODC graphically
You can install an RODC graphically, whether it is prestaged or not. If the first RODC you in-
stall is not a staged RODC, you don't need to prepare the domain for the RODC because the
wizard does it for you. However, if the first RODC is a staged RODC, you have to manually run
adprep.exe /rodcprep one time to prepare the domain.
To stage an RODC, follow these steps:
Open the Active Directory Administrative Center. You can select it from the Tools menu
of Server Manager or by typing dsac.exe in a shell.
In the left pane, select the domain in which you want to create the RODC and click
Domain Controllers, as shown in Figure 5-6.
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