Database Reference
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# display user account heading
print " \n User Account: %s @ %s " % ( user_name , host_address )
print "------------------------------------------"
# query mysql for grants for user account
sql_stmnt = "SHOW GRANTS FOR " + user_account
cur . execute ( sql_stmnt )
# loop through grant entries for user account
for grants in cur . fetchall () :
# skip 'usage' entry
if re . search ( 'USAGE' , grants [ 0 ]) :
# extract name of database and table
dbtb = re . search ( 'ON\s(.*)\.+?(.+?)\sTO' , grants [ 0 ])
db = dbtb . group ( 1 )
tb = dbtb . group ( 2 )
# change wildcard for tables to 'all'
if re . search ( '\*' , tb ) :
tb = "all"
# display database and table name for privileges
print "database: %s ; table: %s " % ( db , tb )
# extract and display privileges for user account
# for database and table
privs = re . search ( 'GRANT\s(.+?)\sON' , grants [ 0 ])
print "privileges: %s \n " % ( privs . group ( 1 ))
cur . close ()
cnx . close ()
This program does much more than the previous snippets. As a result, I've annotated it at
various points to help you understand it. Still, let's go through the key points, especially
the additions.
First, the program gets a list of user accounts, storing them in an array named
user_accounts . Using a for statement, it goes through each row of
user_accounts to extract each user_account . For each, it prints a heading to dis-
play the user account to the administrator. This part is similar to the previous excerpts.
We then put a new SQL statement, SHOW GRANTS , in sql_stmnt for each
user_account . We execute and then use another for statement to go through the res-
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