Database Reference
In-Depth Information
We're using a for statement here to loop through the results ofa fetchall() call for
the cur cursor object. It takes the values from each row fetched and stores it in an array
we named row . Within the statement block of the for statement, we extract each array
element and store the values temporarily in string variables, in user_name and
host_address . Then we assemble them with some text for nicer formatting and store
them in a variable we named user_account . Its contents will look like
lena_stankoska@localhost .
We end this program by displaying the user_account values to the administrator, and
then closing the cursor object and the connection to MySQL.
Sample Python Program
It's easier to discuss aprogram by breaking it into its components as we've just done, but
it can be confusing to understand how it all comes together. The following listing com-
bines the preceding snippets, but with some additions that make it a bit more elaborate:
import re
import mysql.connector
# connect to mysql
config = {
'user' : 'admin_granter' ,
'password' : 'avocet_123' ,
'host' : 'localhost' ,
'database' : 'rookery'
cnx = mysql . connector . connect (** config )
cur = cnx . cursor ( buffered = True )
# query mysql database for list of user accounts
sql_stmnt = "SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.db "
sql_stmnt += "WHERE Db IN('rookery','birdwatchers') "
sql_stmnt += "ORDER BY User, Host"
cur . execute ( sql_stmnt )
# loop through list of user accounts
for user_accounts in cur . fetchall () :
user_name = user_accounts [ 0 ]
host_address = user_accounts [ 1 ]
user_account = "'" + user_name + "'@'" + host_address + "'"
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