Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Besides the SQL statements you entered on your MySQL or MariaDB server while reading
this chapter, here are a few practice exercises to further strengthen what we've covered.
They're related to creating and altering tables. We'll use these tables with the modifications
you'll make in later chapters, so make sure to complete all of the exercises here.
1. Earlier in this chapter, we created a table called birds_details . We created the
table with two columns: bird_id and description . We took these two
columns from the birds table. Our intention in creating this table was to add
columns to store a description of each bird, notes about migratory patterns, areas in
which they can be found, and other information helpful in locating each bird in the
wild. Let's add a couple of columns for capturing some of that information.
Using the ALTER TABLE statement, alter the birds_details table. In one
SQL statement, add two columns named migrate and bird_feeder , making
them both integer ( INT ) columns. These will contain values of 1 or 0 (i.e., Yes or
No ). In the same SQL statement, using the CHANGE COLUMN clause, change the
name of the column, description to bird_description .
When you're finished altering the table, run the SHOW CREATE TABLE state-
ment for this table to see the results.
2. Using the CREATE TABLE statement, create a new reference table named, hab-
itat_codes . Create this table with two columns: name the first column hab-
itat_id and make it a primary key using AUTO_INCREMENT and the column
type of INT . Name the second column habitat and use the data type
VARCHAR(25) . Enter the following SQL statement to add data to the table:
INSERT INTO habitat_codes ( habitat )
VALUES ( 'Coasts' ), ( 'Deserts' ), ( 'Forests' ),
( 'Grasslands' ), ( 'Lakes, Rivers, Ponds' ),
( 'Marshes, Swamps' ), ( 'Mountains' ), ( 'Oceans' ),
( 'Urban' );
Execute a SELECT statement for the table to confirm that the data was entered cor-
rectly. It should look like this:
| habitat_id | habitat |
| 1 | Coasts |
| 2 | Deserts |
| 3 | Forests |
| 4 | Grasslands |
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