Database Reference
In-Depth Information
| 5 | Lakes, Rivers, Ponds |
| 6 | Marshes, Swamps |
| 7 | Mountains |
| 8 | Oceans |
| 9 | Urban |
Create a second table named bird_habitats . Name the first column
bird_id and the second column habitat_id . Set the column type for both of
them to INT . Don't make either column an indexed column.
When you're finished creating both of these tables, execute the DESCRIBE and
SHOW CREATE TABLE statements for each of the two tables. Notice what in-
formation is presented by each statement, and familiarize yourself with the struc-
ture of each table and the components of each column.
Use the RENAME TABLE statement to rename the bird_habitats to
birds_habitats (i.e., make bird plural). This SQL statement was covered in
Renaming a Table .
3. Using the ALTER TABLE statement, add an index based on both bird_id and
the habitat_id columns combined (this was covered in Indexes ) . Instead of
using the INDEX keyword, use UNIQUE so that duplicates are not allowed. Call
the index birds_habitats .
Execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement for this table when you're fin-
ished altering it.
At this point, you should enter some data in the birds_habitats table. Ex-
ecute these two SELECT statements, to see what data you have in the birds and
habitat_codes tables:
SELECT bird_id , common_name
FROM birds ;
SELECT * FROM habitat_codes ;
The results of the first SELECT statement should show you a row for a loon and
one for a duck, along with some other birds. Both the loon and the duck can be
found in lakes, but ducks can also be found in marshes. So enter one row for the
loon and two rows for the duck in the birds_habitats table. Give the value
of the bird_id for the loon, and the value of habitat_id for Lakes, Rivers,
Ponds . Then enter a row giving the bird_id for the duck, and the value again
of the habitat_id for lakes. Then enter a third row giving again the bird_id
for the duck and this time the habitat_id for Marshes, Swamps . If you created
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