Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A wildlife sanctuary has been created in the park, where restocking of zebras, buffaloes,
wildebeests and other animals has begun. Another major attraction is the birdlife, with
over 300 species, including many endemics and near-endemics and an abundance of water
birds in the wetland areas to the east around the Urema River.
Just as much of a highlight as the wildlife is Gorongosa's unique and beautiful mixture
of ecological zones, with jade-green floodplains, savannah, woodlands, forests of fever
trees, stands of palm and hanging vines. Within its 5370 sq km it encompasses the south-
ernmost part of the Great Rift system, the hulking Gorongosa massif, expanses of coastal
plain and the Zambezi valley, and is considered to be the most biologically diverse of all
Mozambique's conservation areas. The park's rehabilitation also involves a strong com-
munity development element, and the chance to see some of this work is another draw.
Sleeping & Eating
Girassol Gorongosa Lodge $$
( 82-308 2252; ; campsite per person Mtc320, s/d tent Mtc1480/
2100, s/d garden room Mtc2600/3500, s/d/f bungalow from Mtc3500/4400/7200; )
Located at Chitengo park headquarters, with comfortable, recently renovated rondavels
scattered around an expansive, grassy compound, a handful of rooms and a camping
ground with ablution blocks and hot water. There's also a restaurant and a swimming
Explore Gorongosa $$$
( ; s/d with full board US$728/970; Apr-Nov) Explore
Gorongosa runs walking safaris and canoe trips from its base in a semi-permanent tented
camp in one of the most scenic sections of the park. Its tents are spacious and comfort-
able, and for multinight bush walks, it operates a series of fly camps. Everything is
custom-tailored and it's an excellent bet for experiencing the bush. Rates include accom-
modation, meals, beverages and safari activities. Children below 10 years of age by ad-
vance arrangement only.
Gorongosa Adventures Campsite $
( 82-957 1436; ) About 9km outside the
main gate, and 500m off the park access road, is this unsignposted, unnamed campsite
with lovely camping. It has twin-bed permanent tents under bamboo roofs; clean, hot
showers; well-equipped cooking facilities and a small shop selling basic supplies. Staff
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