Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» Never drink tap water unless you've verified that it's safe (many parts of Sabah,
Sarawak and Brunei have modern treatment plants).
» Bottled water is generally safe - check the seal is intact at purchase.
» Avoid ice in eateries that look dubious, especially in Kalimantan.
» Avoid fruit juices if they're not freshly squeezed or you suspect they have been
watered down.
» Boiling water is the most efficient way to purify it.
» The best chemical purifier is iodine (not to be used if you are pregnant or have
thyroid problems).
» Water filters should also filter out viruses. Ensure your filter has a chemical barrier
such as iodine and a small pore size (ie less than 4 microns).
Traveller's diarrhoea is by far the most common problem affecting travellers - between
30% to 50% of people will suffer from it within two weeks of starting their trip. In over
80% of cases, it's caused by a bacteria, and therefore responds promptly to treatment with
antibiotics. Treatment will depend on your situation - how sick you are, how quickly you
need to get better, where you are etc. Traveller's diarrhoea is defined as the passage of
more than three watery bowel actions within 24 hours, plus at least one other symptom,
such as fever, cramps, nausea, vomiting or feeling generally unwell. Treatment consists of
staying well hydrated; rehydration solutions such as Gastrolyte are the best for this.
Always seek reliable medical care if you have blood in your diarrhoea.
Loperamide is just a 'stopper' and doesn't get to the cause of the problem (it can be
helpful, for example, if you have to go on a long bus ride). Don't take it if you have a
fever, or blood in your stools.
Ways to avoid traveller's diarrhoea include eating only freshly cooked food and avoid-
ing shellfish and food that has been sitting around in buffets. Peel all fruit, cook veget-
ables, and soak salads in iodine water for at least 20 minutes. Eat in busy restaurants with
a high turnover of customers.
Travelling with Children
Borneo is a great place to travel with children. However, there are specific health issues
you need to consider.
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