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Figure 1. Components of TEMAGUIDE
Figure 2. The five elements of innovation
ceptual design, even in the reported cases of its
RESOURCE (showing that it must allocate re-
sources in that strategy and prepares for what it
is necessary to do to make that solution works),
IMPLEMENT (pointing to the implementation of
the innovation), and LEARN (indicating learning
from the success experience or failure), as it is
shown in Figure 2.
These five elements of the model can be sup-
ported by tools and techniques of a diversified
nature, such as: a) External Information (Market
Analysis, Technological Forecast, Patent Analysis,
Benchmarking), b) Internal Information (Ability
Auditing and Innovation, Intellectual Property
Management, Environmental Assessment), c)
Joint Work (Interface Management, Networks,
Team Formation), d) Ideas and Problem Solu-
tion (Creativity, Value Analysis), e) Efficiency
Improvements (Flexible Learning, Continuous
Improvements, Change Management), e Other
TEMAGUIDE has been publically available
since 1998 e it is well recognized in the world of
technological innovation management. Further
details about TEMAGUIDE can be found at http:// Despite being comprehensive,
TEMAGUIDE does not pay the due importance
to the role of information technology in its con-
nugin: A brAziLiAn innoVAtion
MAnAgeMent tooL
This section briefly presents a Brazilian tool that
has been recently developed called NUGIN. The
word NUGIN is a contraction of “ NÚcleo de
apoio ao planejamento de Gestão da Inovação
em empresas de pequeno e médio porte ” (Nucleos
for supporting the planning of innovation man-
agement for small and medium size enterprises),
a project that had been proposed by the IEL/SC
(Instituto Euvaldo Lodi/Santa Catarina), which is
part of FIESC/SC System (Federação das Indús-
trias do Estado de Santa Catarina), in partnership
with the UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa
Catarina), by means of the NEDIP (Núcleo de
Desenvolvimento Integrado de Produtos), from
the EMC/UFSC (Departamento de Engenharia
Mecânica da UFSC), the IGTI (Núcleo de Estudos
em Inovação, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação)
and the EPS/UFSC (Departamento de Engenharia
de Produção e Sistemas da UFSC).
The NUGIN methodology, as described by
Coral et alli . (2008) is based on the following
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