Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Technical Note . :
Article X
. Each Party shall in exercising its national sovereignty
have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides
that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter
of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests
of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to
a lotherPartiestotheTreatyandtotheUnited
Nations Security Council three months in advance.
Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordin-
ary events it regards as having jeopardized its supreme
Technical Note . : Issues in Internationalizing
the Fuel Cycle
The main focus has been on creating an attractive alternative
to national programs. The exemplar is South Korea which
% of its electricity from nuclear power plants and by
its own choice does no enrichment of its own. It has saved a
great deal of money because it did not have to develop the
enrichment technology, nor did it have to build and main-
tain the enrichment facilities. To make this kind of proposal
acceptable to those countries that are not
firm allies of those
that have enrichment facilities requires some mechanism to
guarantee the fuel supply. Without such a mechanism, it
is doubtful that any sensible country interested in developing
nuclear power would agree to a binding commitment to
forgo its own enrichment capability. The tough cases
are not the South Koreas of the world, but such states as
Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil (which has two reactors and talks
of building more), and many other states with growing
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