Environmental Engineering Reference
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Technical Note . :
under the control of its place of origin. North Korea
expelled the IAEA inspectors, reprocessed the spent fuel
from its Yongbyon reactor and produced the plutonium
needed for its
first weapons. This is called in the trade a
Everything is going according to the
international rules, until suddenly they are not. A
breakout scenario.
reactor produces about
kg of Pu each year so the
inventory in the pond is enough to build roughly
nium weapons.
Technical Note . : Extract from the Treaty
on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Article IV
. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting
the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty
to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy
for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in con-
formity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and
have the right to participate in, the fullest possible
exchange of equipment, materials and scienti
c and tech-
nological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear
energy. Parties to the Treaty in a position to do so shall
also cooperate in contributing alone or together with
other States or international organizations to the further
development of the applications of nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes, especially in the territories of non-
nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due
consideration for the needs of the developing areas of
the world.
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