HTML and CSS Reference
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This property defines the x (horizontal) coordinate for a positioned element, relative to the
right side of either the containing element or browser window if directly within the <body> .
right: length | percentage | auto | inherit
where length can be specified in the standard units of length, such as inches ( in ) and so on,
but is nearly always set in pixels ( px ), and percentage corresponds to a percentage of the
containing object's dimensions. The default value auto lets this property function as
placing the object where it normally would fall in the document flow. For relative position,
this will likely be treated as 0. For absolute and fixed positioning, it will calculate a value
based upon other set properties, particularly left .
#div1 {position: absolute; right: 100px; top: 150px;}
#div2 {position: absolute; right: 50%; bottom: 30%;}
#div3 {position: absolute; left: 10px; right: auto;}
/* right will evaluate to a position calculated off the left position */
#sideBar {position: fixed; right: 0; top: 0; width: 200px; height: 100%;}
CSS 2, 3
IE 4+
Netscape 4+, Firefox 1+
Opera 6+, Safari 1+
• Browsers tend to assume pixel measurements if a length unit is not set.
This property controls the algorithm used to lay out the table cells, rows, and columns.
table-layout: auto | fixed | inherit
A value of fixed uses the fixed table layout algorithm, which relays not the content of the
cells but simply the width of the tables, columns, borders, and defined cell spacing. This
should result in faster page rendering. The default value of auto uses the standard automatic
table layout algorithm, which may require multiple passes or take perceptible time to calculate,
particularly when the table is complex or heavily nested.
Examples {table-layout: fixed;}
table.slow {table-layout: auto;}
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