Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 18.5 COMCAPT workflow ( left ) and a selected result of an example of the trajectory of
theoretical comet on the projection to the x
y coordinate plane of quasibound orbit around the Sun
- Dynamical Evolution of Meteoroid Streams
Many dynamical properties of a meteoroid stream associated with a known parent
body can be explained or predicted by modeling the corresponding theoretical
stream and following its dynamical evolution. The standard model of a stream
typically assumes the consideration of thousands of test particles, representing the
meteoroids in the interplanetary space, and eight major planets perturbing their
orbits at their motion around the Sun. To map the stream evolution in more detail, it
is necessary to create and integrate the motion of several streams, modeled for times
from 500 to 10,000 years before the present.
The MESTREAM (MEteoroid STREAMs) application provides the numerical
integration of orbits of meteoroids in the Solar System. The integration includes the
Sun, eight planets, and 10,000 massless test particles, and is performed using the
standard MERCURY (Chambers 1999) software package. The position and velocity
vectors of planets and a given part of the test particles are recorded for chosen output
times. We use them to map the evolution of the streams and their parent bodies. Of
course, the output data from the computation is
finally processed using common
tools to create tables,
figures, movies, etc., to better show the results of the study.
18.5 Gateway Federation and Data Publication
Telescope archives and theoretical simulation portals in A&A are of signi
importance as data publication is a key point requested by all research projects or
surveys. Both public and private data retrievals are increasing dramatically as users
are increasingly required to handle large amounts of data due to improvements in
the underlying computational capability and communications bandwidth. Project
scientists cannot typically handle large amounts of data (the Peta era is incoming!)
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