Information Technology Reference
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Figure 8.4 illustrates the custom user interface of the molecular docking gateway
that was developed using the ASM API. The customized gateway enables biosci-
entists to easily parameterize, submit, and monitor docking experiments, and they
can also visualize input and output molecules.
The upper panel of the
gure shows the con
guration phase, where input
parameters and
files of the docking experiment are speci
ed and uploaded. The
interface provides detailed description of the required
file or parameter and per-
forms basic checks regarding the provided values. The lower panel shows the
results of the simulations. The generated output and log
files can be easily down-
loaded by the user for further analysis. Moreover, the molecules can be visualized
providing, a more intuitive way for bioscientists to analyze the results.
Fig. 8.4 Custom user interface for the molecular docking gateway
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