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the remote API servlet is switched on. This feature is exploited in the SHIWA
Simulation Platform gateway (Chap. 9 ) .
The switched on Remote API feature on the secondary WS-PGRADE/gUSE
gateway enables the execution of previously created WS-PGRADE workflows
only. Moreover, all workflows must be available on the primary community
gateway beforehand. The API call on the primary gateway automatically creates a
new temporary portal user on whose behalf the workflows are executed. Once the
user downloads the output of the calculation, the entire temporary user environment
is cleared up on the primary gateway.
Each call of the Remote API servlet can go with different parameterization. The
API includes methods for workflow submission, querying the status of a submitted
workflow (e.g., submitted, running,
finished, error), suspending, rescuing and
aborting workflows, as well as downloading the results of a workflow in a zip
that contains both the output and the log
files. The remote API servlet is intensively
used by several user communities in their gateways as described in Chaps. 13 , 15 ,
and 19 . Detailed description of the actual usage of the remote API feature can be
found in the
document. 2
Remote Access Con
guration Manual
8.7.3 Molecular Docking Gateway with Custom User
At Granularity Level 4 the generic framework can be fully customized using the
previously described high level APIs to provide an attractive and rich user envi-
ronment for task execution, monitoring and visualization. Although gateway
development effort is required to provide this customized solution, the utilization of
the generic framework and its APIs signi
cantly reduces the development time and
effort that is needed. When compared to developing the same gateway from scratch,
relying on the generic gateway framework typically results in a scalable and
extendable solution with less than 10 % of the effort required otherwise.
At Granularity Level 4 the task of system administrators and application
developers is rather complex as they have to develop the fully customized gateway
(including gateway deployment, workflow development, and user interface devel-
opment or connection using the ASM or Remote APIs). However, these tasks are
cantly supported by the gateway framework. On the other hand, end-users
can fully concentrate on their research tasks and require no training to use or
understand the gateway.
2 Latest release at the time of writing this topic: les/3.6.7/
Documentation/RemoteAPI_Con g_Manual.pdf/download ; generic format of URL: http:// les/<VersionNumber>/Documentation/RemoteAPI_Con g_
Manual.pdf/download .
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