Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
F IG . 9.22 ( a , b ) The three upright stones of Circle 2. Aerial photo by Chris
Stanley, Vistamorph TM image by Chris O'Kane
nineteenth century, before his appointment as governor-general of
New South Wales. An expedition organized by Brisbane discov-
ered and named the river that in turn gave its name to the modern
city. Brisbane's catalog of southern hemisphere stars is regarded as
less valuable than Herschel's, but his reputation on the continent
is higher than it is in the UK - hence Oscar's interest.
John Bonsor and Ron Williams of ASTRA's Ayrshire branch
independently started research into Brisbane's activities in the
1980s, and had asked us to photograph the observatory site, as
well as the “Three Sisters,” three large meridian pillars on a hill-
top in the town, with which Brisbane's three telescopes were lined
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