Image Processing Reference
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Fig. 2.3 The SCATTER case study cities (shown at the same scale)
In a sense this is what this entire topic is about, but such
remote sensing is in its infancy and, as discussed in Chapters
3 and 6, as satellite technologies generate higher and higher
resolution images, the possibility of getting much more
authoritative definitions of urban boundaries, and different
urban land uses, enables a step change in our understanding of
the patterns and dynamics of suburban growth. The various
chapters in this topic illustrate the state of the art but a good
overview is provided by Mesev ( 2003 ) who shows that
increasing resolution through ever more elaborate satellite
imagery in fact is usually accompanied by an increasing level
of noise in the data which tends to confuse interpretation.
higher spatial
resolution in
remotely sensed
images is
usually accom-
panied by an
increasing level
of noise in the
data which
tends to confuse
Fusing of Remote Sensing Images and Socioeconomic Data
Cities are artifacts that exist physically and socially in terms of our own
definitions and these exist at different scales. As we get ever fine scale
data, the nature of the heterogeneity in spatial patterning changes and far from
increasing our ability to detect land use more accurately, it often confounds this.
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