Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
has lots of routes, including to Oslo ( ). It's worth know-
ing about discount offers: Buy tickets at least 24 hours ahead for Swebus dis-
counts; Säfflebussen cuts ticket prices on low-demand days and times.
From Stockholm by Bus to: Copenhagen (2/day, 9 hours), Oslo (3/day,
8 hours), Kalmar (4/day, fewer on weekends, 6 hours).
By Train
Theeasiestandcheapestwaytobooktrainticketsisonlineat . Sim-
ply select your journey and pay for it with a credit card. When you arrive at
the train station, print outyourtickets at aself-service ticket kiosk(bringyour
purchase confirmation code). You can also buy tickets at a ticket window in
a train station, but this comes with long lines and a 5 percent surcharge. For
timetables and prices, check online, call 0771/757-575, or use one of the self-
service ticket kiosks.
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