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Most of the dual-modality imaging agents developed to date are for oncology applications. Noninvasive imaging of
cancer has clinical applications in many aspects including, but not limited to, lesion detection, patient stratification, new
drug development/validation, treatment monitoring, and dose optimisation [142-144]. The complete sequencing of the
human genome has ushered in a new era of systems biology referred to as '-omics.' [145] genomic and proteomic molecular
profiling technologies are transforming cancer research [146, 147]. New technologies such as microarray analysis, geno-
mics, proteomics, and high-throughput screening may lead to the discovery of new molecular targets/targeting ligands for
multimodality imaging of cancer. With the development of new imaging agents with better targeting efficacy and desirable
pharmacokinetics, clinical translation of the probes will be critical for the maximum benefit of cancer patients.
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