Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Nova Gorica is an unusually long town, running about 5km from crossing with Italy at
Rožna Dolina (Casa Rossa) in the south to Solkan in the north. The bus station is in the
centre of town at Kidričeva ulica 22. The train station is at Kolodvorska ulica 6, about
1.5km to the west.
When the town of Gorica was awarded to the Italians under the Treaty of Paris in 1947
and became Gorizia, the Yugoslav government set itself to building a model town on the
eastern side of the border 'following the principles of Le Corbusier'. Appropriately
enough they called it 'New Gorica' and erected a chain-link barrier between the two
This 'mini Berlin Wall' was finally pulled down to great fanfare in 2004 after Slovenia
joined the EU, leaving Piazza Transalpina (Trg z Mozaikom) straddling the now nonexist-
ent border right behind Nova Gorica train station.
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