Biomedical Engineering Reference
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most enigmatic research questions of bone
biology; and
• Outlining the process of rational tissue design
and optimization by using virtual in silico
models to approach the problem at multiple
length and time scales.
At the risk of exhausting the reader, the only
thing to add is this imperative: “Go forth, fi nd
a collaborator, and model!”
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16. Mishra S, Knothe Tate ML (2003) Effect of lacunocan-
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17. Mishra S, Knothe Tate M (2004) Allometric scaling
relationships in microarchitecture of mammalian
cortical bone. 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopae-
dic Research Society, San Francisco, 29:0401.
18. Niederer PF, Knothe Tate ML, Steck R, Boesiger P
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24. Sidler H, Steck R, Knothe Tate ML (2006) Site-Specifi c
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25. Steck R, Niederer P, Knothe Tate ML (2003) A fi nite
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26. Steck R, Knothe Tate ML (2005) In silico stochastic
network models that emulate the molecular sieving
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27. Tami AE, Niederer P, Steck R, Knothe Tate ML (2003)
New insights into mechanical loading behavior of the
ulna-radius-interosseous membrane construct based
on fi nite element analysis of the ulnar compression
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2. Anderson EJ, Savrin J, Cooke M, Dean D, Knothe Tate
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6. Knothe Tate ML (1994) Diffusive and convective
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Informatics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
7. Knothe Tate ML (1997) Theoretical and experimental
study of load-induced fl uid fl ow phenomena in
compact bone. Ph.D. thesis, Mechanical and Biomedi-
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8. Knothe Tate ML (2003) Whither fl ows the fl uid in
bone? An osteocyte's perspective. J Biomech 36:
9. Knothe Tate ML, Knothe U (2000) An ex vivo model
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10. Knothe Tate ML, Knothe U, Niederer P (1998) Experi-
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functional adaptation. Am J Med Sci 316:189-195.
11. Knothe Tate ML, Niederer P (1998) A theoretical FE-
based model developed to predict the relative con-
tribution of convective and diffusive transport
mechanisms for the maintenance of local equilibria
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