Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
t from more, closer and cheaper water.
Rainwater harvesting schemes can provide water for household needs and
commercial gardens.
Commercial gardening boosts income generation, reinforcing water infra-
structure sustainability.
Businesses can also bene
10 How Can We Calculate the Value of MUS Systems?
10.1 An Ecosystem Services Approach
Ecosystem Services (ESS) are the conditions and processes through which natural
ecosystems and the species that make them up sustain and ful
l human life. Eco-
system services are also de
ts people receive from ecosystems and
can be used to describe connections between nature and human welfare (MA 2005 ).
Ecosystem services changes result in outcomes, bene
ned as all bene
ts or harms that people value,
introducing the need of valuation and quanti
cation of social welfare. Ecosystems
and their functions and processes provide outputs of goods and services, which
generate bene
ts to human populations that can then be measured as increases in
human well-being (EFTEC 2005 ; Fig. 7 ).
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