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23. Tarkanian and Hosler, “America's First Polymer Scientists.”
24. Stone, “Spirals, Ropes, and Feathers”; Whittington, Sport of Life and Death .
25. Clavijero and Cuevas, História antígua de Mexico.
26. Santos, História econômica da Amazônia .
27. See Edwards, Voyage up the River Amazon .
28. Heteroploidy refers to the multiples of the basic number of chromosomes of a group. Polyploidy
often produces larger fruits or unusual characteristics, for example in tomatoes.
29. A review by one of South America's experts on domestication hardly mentions tree crops at all:
Pickering, “Domestication of Plants in the Americas.”
30. Piperno and Pearsall, Origins of Agriculture in the Lowland Tropics .
31. Clement, “1492 and the Loss of Amazonian Crop Genetic Resources.”
32. McKey et al., “Pre-Columbian Agricultural Landscapes, Ecosystem Engineers.”
33. Arce-Nazario, “Human Landscapes Have Complex Trajectories”; Denevan, Cultivated Land-
scapes ; Erickson, “Domesticated Landscapes”; Posey and Plenderleith, Kayapó Ethnoecology and Cul-
ture .
34. See Anderson, May, and Balick, Subsidy from Nature ; Hecht, “Kayapó Savanna Management”;
Peters et al., “Oligarchic Forests of Economic Plants in Amazonia”; Porro, “Palms, Pastures, and Swid-
den Fields”; Rival, “Amazonian Historical Ecologies.”
35. Clement, “1492 and the Loss of Amazonian Crop Genetic Resources”; Clement, “Center of Crop
Genetic Diversity.”
36. Descola, In the Society of Nature .
37. Huber, “Observações sobre as árvores de borracha”; Seibert, “Study of Hevea ”; Seibert, “Uses of
Hevea for Food.”
38. Plotkin, Boom, and Allison, “Ethnobotany of Aublet's Histoire des plantes .”
39. Schultes, “Amazon Indian and Evolution in Hevea and Related Genera.”
40. Cited in Seibert, “Uses of Hevea for Food.”
41. These techniques are described in many publications: Clement, “1492 and the Loss of Amazoni-
an Crop Genetic Resources”; Coomes and Burt, “Indigenous Market-Oriented Agroforestry”; Denevan
et al., “Indigenous Agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon”; Posey and Balée, Resource Management in
Amazonia ; Posey and Balick, Human Impacts on Amazonia ; Whitehead, Histories and Historicities in
Amazonia .
42. Schultes, “Amazon Indian and Evolution in Hevea and Related Genera.”
43. Rival, “Amazonian Historical Ecologies”; Rival, Trekking through History . See also Posey and
Balée, Resource Management in Amazonia .
44. Posey and Balick, Human Impacts on Amazonia.
45. Parssinen, Schaan, and Ranzi, “Pre-Columbian Geometric Earthworks in the Upper Purus.”
46. De Carvajal et al., Discovery of the Amazon .
47. Simón, Bollaert, and Markham, Expedition of Pedro de Ursúa & Lope de Aguirre .
48. Heckenberger, Petersen, and Neves, “Of Lost Civilizations and Primitive Tribes, Amazonia”;
Heckenberger et al., “Legacy of Cultural Landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon”; Lathrap, Upper
Amazon ; McEwan, Unknown Amazon ; Schaan et al., “Geoglifos da Amazônia occidental.”
49. Balée and Erickson, Time and Complexity in Historical ; Hecht, “Indigenous Management”;
Heckenberger et al., “Legacy of Cultural Landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon.”
50. Miles Silman, personal communication.
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