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Theorem 3.6.1. Let ( O; D ) be a qualication scenario with transition model
and Fluent Calculus axiomatization FC D . Then for each model of
FC D [f (3.7),(3.8),(2.37){(2.40) g there exists a corresponding interpreta-
tion ( Res ; ) for ( O; D ) and vice versa.
Proof. We conne ourselves to the dierences to the proof of Theorem 2.9.2,
which arise from the rened notion of qualied action sequences. The modi-
ed axiom (3.8) additionally requires that the fluent disq ( a ) be false in the
state resulting from performing a . This is exactly what distinguishes De-
nition 3.3.1 from Denition 2.7.2, regarding the notion of transition models.
From now onwards, let|given a qualication scenario ( O; D )| W ( O;D )
denote the classical formulas FC D [f (3.7),(3.8),(2.37){(2.40) g plus the ax-
iomatization of the observations in O . 9 Observations F after [ a 1 ;:::;a n ] are
formalized as before, that is,
9s [ Result ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ] ;s ) ^ Holds ( F; s ) ]
while a disqualication observation a inexecutable after [ a 1 ;:::;a n ] is rep-
resented by
Qualied ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ]) ^:Qualied ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ;a ])
As one would expect, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set
of classical models of W ( O;D ) and the set of models of the scenario ( O; D ).
Corollary 3.6.1. Let ( O; D ) be a qualication scenario with axiomatiza-
tion W ( O;D ) , then for each model of W ( O;D ) there exists a corresponding
model ( Res ; ) of ( O; D ) and vice versa.
Proof. Following Theorem 3.6.1 it suces to show that an observation is true
in Res i is model of the observation's axiomatization.
1. By denition, an observation F after [ a 1 ;:::;a n ] is true in Res i
Res ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ]) is dened and formula F holds in that state. This
in turn is equivalent to being a model of formula (3.10) according to
axiom (2.38), which stipulates that 9s: Result ( a ;s )i Qualied ( a );
Proposition 2.9.3, which asserts that Holds is suitably dened; and the
fact that and ( ;Res ) correspond.
2. By denition, an observation a inexecutable after [ a 1 ;:::;a n ] is true
in Res i Res ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ]) is dened but Res ([ a 1 ;:::;a n ;a ]) is not.
This in turn is equivalent to being a model of formula (3.11) according
to the fact that and ( ;Res ) correspond.
The reason for the at rst glance unmotivated use of the letter W reveals in
the following section.
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