Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
first time
Everyone needs a helping hand when they visit a country for the
first time. There are phrases to learn, customs to get used to and
etiquette to understand. The following section will help demysti-
fy Provence and the Côte d'Azur so your first trip goes as
smoothly as your fifth.
It is perfectly possible to travel in Provence-Côte d'Azur without speaking French, but you'll probably have an
easier (and more pleasant) time if you learn a few basics. The French are proud of their language and will expect
you to give it a try, if only with greetings. People in tourist offices and hotels tend to speak good English but don't
expect fluency on market stalls, shops and rural areas. See also the language section of this topic ( Click here ) for
useful phrases.
Booking Ahead
It is a good idea to reserve at least the first night of your stay to make arriving as smooth as
possible. Booking online is the easiest way of doing it but if you have to do it over the
phone, the following phrases should see you through the reservation.
Hello. Bonjour.
I'd like to book a room. Je voudrais réserver une chambre.
a single room une chambre à un lit
a double room une chambre avec un grand lit
My name is … Je m'appelle …
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