Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 24
A. E. Rybalko, V. P. Tkachenko, A. A. Rybalko and L. S. Samarina
Sochi State University of Tourism and Recreation . Sochi, Russia
On the occasion of the XXII Olympic Games 2014 Sochi is undergoing extensive
reconstruction. Parks, boulevards, and federal and local roads felled for new construction,
buildings and private houses knocked down. The less valuable flora as well as unique exotic,
rare and endangered plants are died under the ax. A compensation program provides to
minimize the damage. However, we can't evaluate the integrity of biodiversity, protected
areas and most important thing is we don't know how long it takes the environment to heal
such profound changes. So we ought to involve all the latest scientific and technical
developments in full use for the conservation and breeding the most valuable of unique plants
and attracting to the area of landscape design the local flora's diversity, because the North
Caucasus has no equal richness flora diversity throughout the Russian Federation.
It needed to attract a large number of diverse plants to implement the new format of
urban greening in the final stages of construction of Olympic venues and infrastructure. For
this reason it is necessary to include unique species of native flora, as well as usual species
from different regions of the Earth with the same bioclimatic conditions like in our region.
The solving of this problem is impossible without modern achievements of biotechnology.
In order to provide training on ornamental gardeners we pay attention to in-depth study of
techniques of cell and genetic engineering, which allows multiple increase productivity and
provide the introduction of a new generation of cultivars with high levels of compliance with
the resource, as well as achieving the maximum reduction of negative environmental impacts.
These directions are used in laboratory work on the disciplines of biology. The first year
students involve to the scientific work in the biotechnology lab at the Department of
Landscape Construction [1] in University of Tourism and Recreation.
Since 2011 the scientific work of students in the department heads to finalize the research
paper reflecting the results of scientific work on the in vitro culture of crops recommended as
ornamental plants. Students who have received lectures about the latest directions of
biotechnology, in particular clonal micropropagation and adventives stem and root formation,
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