Graphics Reference
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4. Crank up the AO Radius option to 3.2 and the AO Gamma option to 3.2 .
Watch what happens on your Preview window while you do this. Your
settings should look similar to what is shown in the following screenshot:
Metals don't receive shadows very well, so let's go turn it down on the gold.
Go back into your scene settings, and on the gold shader (down in the advanced
section), turn down your AO Amount option to 0.42 . The final result should look
similar to what is shown in the following screenshot:
Light falloff
When a candle is very bright at its flame but against a far wall, the wall is lit dimly.
This effect is true with light bulbs as well. This principle is called Light Falloff .
To add some realism and dramatic lighting to our scene, let's adjust this setting.
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