Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Characters, props, and Vehicles
We discussed camera angles earlier and revisit them now in relation to anima-
tion. The animator needs to understand clearly how and where the camera will
be used in game. If the game uses a FPS POV, then the camera will be locked
just behind the player and look through their eyes. In other words, the player
sees what the character sees.
The approach is quite simple to create and program; however, it limits the
amount of animation for the character because you primarily see just their
hand or hands. Using the TPS POV, multiple elements in the scene may need to
be animated, including the lead character/s, secondary characters, non-player
characters (NPCs), vehicles, animals, foliage moving, and so on. Again, how
immersive the designer wants the game to be will dictate how much animation
needs to be created.
Most animations for games tend to be generated in short cycles that can, if
necessary, be strung together to show complex movement. For example, a char-
acter can be animated to kick, and then there may be other movements like
jumping or punching; if you play them back to back, the final result is a seam-
less transition from one cycle to the next.
When you begin to plan animation for your game, create a list of things you
want that character (or prop) to do. The more animations you plan for, the more
work is required, and the bigger the strain on the playback system, so make
sure these are the movements needed for the game. These movements tend to
be used over and over again, so it's good to plan for a variety or variations of the
same types of movements.
These are the basic moves used for in-game animations:
Characters that
aren't moved by the
gamer tend to move
slightly, such as
shifting their weight
or looking around, to
give the impression
that they're alive.
Reactions, such as cringing in horror or shaking from fear
Falling down
Getting up
Specialties (the figure may need to fly or make other specific move-
ments, such as casting a spell.)
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