Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
phase, only to have the client or art director review the project and decide that it
isn't what they want. This type of error can lead to burnout.
Working smart—doing the upfront assessment of what the character should
look like based on the macro-to-micro concept—is an excellent way to go. After
creating a rough sketch, Mobile Pie takes it into a digital paint package or a 3D pro-
gram, and a more finished product begins to take shape. This is a typical workflow
for any game-design studio. Figure 4.3 shows an early render built in 3ds Max.
photoshop and
illustrator are
examples of digital
paint programs.
FiGuRe 4.3 This image shows the final 3D version of the character.
One of the final stages of Mobile Pie's concept phase is mocking up screens to
show all the elements in place. Because all the elements created for the project
need to work together, you should generate mocked screens as soon as possible
to see how well the art meshes with the gameplay. Figure 4.4 is an example
of one of these mockups, created in Photoshop, showing characters and back-
ground pieces together.
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