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Jordan gains full independence from the British; Emir Abdullah, who took a leading
role in the Arab Revolt, is crowned the king of Jordan.
The UN votes for the partition of Palestine but the proposal is rejected by the Arab
League on the grounds that the whole territory should remain Arab.
The State of Israel is proclaimed, the British withdraw immediately and renewed hos-
tilities break out between Arabs and Jews. Half a million Palestinians flood into the
'West Bank'.
King Abdullah annexes the West Bank and east Jerusalem, despite paying lip service to
Arab declarations backing Palestinian independence and expressly ruling out territorial
King Abdullah is assassinated at Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem), ending his dream of a
single Arab state encompassing Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine - a dream
that antagonised Arab neighbours.
Hussein becomes king of Jordan after his father is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Des-
pite his British education, Hussein makes his mark by ousting remaining British troops.
King Hussein's gesture of independence didn't last long as British troops are invited to
return after Hussein's failed attempt at union with Iraq.
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