Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Step 1: Start the Report
Launch Report Studio and select the GO Data Warehouse (query) package.
NOTE Although we are working on layout-only components, we still need to choose a
package to build the report.
Click on the Create New option.
The option is Create a new report or template .
Select the Blank report template and click OK .
Step 2: Create the Header
The header will have two columns. In the first column, a logo will be added with the name of the
company and department directly below it. The second column will have the title of the report
and a subtitle. This will take three tables to create: one table for the left and right side of the
header, along with two nested tables to allow for stacking of text in each half.
Because most of the work in this step has to do with organizing and customizing embedded
objects, we will use the Page Structure view to organize the header.
From the View menu, select Page Structure .
The objects in the report hierarchy will be displayed in the work area.
In the work area, expand Pageā€”Page1 .
Because the report template we chose was blank, the only object on Page1 is the Page
From the To o l b o x tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag a Block object into Page
Body .
The block should be nested as a child to the page body.
In the work area, click the Block object to select it.
In the Properties pane, change the Name property to ReportHeader .
From the To o l b o x tab, drag a Ta b l e object into the block.
The Insert Table dialog box is displayed.
Ve r i f y t h a t t h e Number of Columns is 2 and the Number of Rows is 1 .
Click the Maximize Width check box to remove the selection.
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