Database Reference
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Step 3: Set Up the Actual Shipped by Branch Query
With the expected volume query providing high-level details about shipping, the actual sales vol-
umes will provide additional details and then become the master query in the report. This query
will have static filters for testing purposes that will have parameters added later.
In the Explorer Bar , mouse over the Query Explorer tab and select the Queries folder.
From the Insertable Objects pane, drag a Query object to the work area below the
other query.
Rename Query1 to Actual_Shipped_by_Branch .
Double-click on the query to open the query definition.
From the Source tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag the following query items
from the Sales (query) namespace into the Data Items pane in the work area:
Ye a r ( s h i p d a t e ) from Time (ship date)
Month (ship date) from Time (ship date)
City from Employee by region
Retailer from Retailers
Retailer site from Retailers
Quantity from Sales fact
COGNOS 8 NOTE The Retailers query subject is called Retailer site . Inside the
Retailer site query subject, Retailer is called Retailer name and the Retailer site query
item is called City inside the query subject.
From Data Items in the work area, drag Ye a r ( s h i p d a t e ) to the Detail Filters pane.
The Detail Filter Expression dialog box is displayed.
In the Expression Definition pane, add =2007 after the data item.
The Expression should be as follows:
[Year (ship date)] = 2007
Click Va l i d a t e and then OK if there are no errors.
Drag Month (ship date) to the Detail Filters pane.
The Detail Filter Expression dialog box is displayed.
In the Expression Definition pane, add = ' May ' after the data item.
The Expression should be this:
[Month (ship date)] = 'May'
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