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by Isaacs that the searcher can find a non-wasteful trajectory is not made, so the
searcher strategy given in [ 14 ] is not always available and the value of the game
may be greater than
2. The searcher is also restricted to picking a path which
starts from O , so it may not be possible for him to implement the 'reverse' of a path.
For instance, if Q is a single unit length arc with the root O at one end and a point
A at the other, the value of this game is clearly 1
μ /
2. The hider simply uses the
pure strategy of hiding at A and the searcher picks the path from O to A .
However, adapting the searcher strategy given in [ 14 ], Gal gives an upper bound
for the value. The searcher may not be able to find a non-wasteful, reversible path in
Q , but he will always have some minimal time tour S of Q starting and ending at O of
length ¯
> μ /
. He can then use the mixed strategy where he picks S with probability
1/2 and the reverse of S with probability 1/2, ensuring that he finds every point in
Q in expected time no more than ¯
μ μ
2. The searcher's minimal tour S is later called
a Chinese Postman Tour (CPT) in [ 12 ], and the randomized strategy given here is
called the Random Chinese Postman Tour (RCPT). The RCPT gives an upper bound
for the value V , and combining this with the lower bound we have
μ /
μ /
μ /
Gal examines when these two bounds are tight. Suppose Q is Eulerian, so that
it has a continuous closed path that visits each point of Q exactly once. Then the
searcher's CPT is one such Eulerian path starting at O . Since the length ¯
of this
tour is
2. The uniform
strategy u is optimal for the hider. It is easy to see that Eulerian networks are the
only networks for which ¯
, the bounds in ( 2.1 ) are tight and we have V
= μ /
μ /
We can also consider the game played on a tree, that is a network without any
cycles. In a sense, a tree is the opposite of an Eulerian network since the CPT of
a tree has the maximum possible length, ¯
μ = μ
μ =
, as all arcs must be traversed in
both directions. The inequalities ( 2.1 ) therefore become
μ /
. Clearly the
uniform hider strategy u is not optimal for the hider, since every point H of Q is
dominated in strategies by a leaf node (a node of degree 1). Hence an optimal hider
strategy must be some distribution on the leaf nodes. In [ 10 ] Gal defines a hider
distribution later called the Equal Branch Density (EBD) distribution in [ 12 ], and
shows that it is optimal for the hider, guaranteeing him an expected search time of
no less than
μ =
μ /
2, which is the value of the game. The RCPT is optimal for the
The EBD distribution can be defined in terms of a concept called search density ,
which extends to general search spaces Q that may not be networks. For a connected
subset A of Q and a hider hidden on Q according to a fixed distribution, the search
is defined as the time taken for the searcher to tour A divided by the
probability the hider is in A . Consider a tree Q and a node x of Q that has degree at
least 3. We call x a branch node. The arcs touching x consist of one arc on the path
from x to O and some other arcs. For each of these other arcs a , we define a branch
at x which consists of a together with all arcs whose unique path to O intersects
with a . The EBD distribution is the unique hider distribution on the leaf nodes of Q
that ensures that at every branch node of Q , all branches have equal search density.
ρ (
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