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moiety [Barraclough et al., 1978], and lower than those in singly bridged [L 8 Co 2 (m-
O 2 )] 5 þ complexes (about 1100 - 1125 cm 21 ;L¼ various neutral ligands) [Strekas
and Spiro, 1975]. Although no unambiguous examples of CoO 2 units containing a
side-on O 2 moiety are known, the n(O 2 ) value of side-on O 2 in (TPP)FeO 2 is 89
cm 21 lower than that in the end-on isomer (1195 vs. 1106 cm 21 ) [Proniewicz et al.,
1991]. Finally, n(Co - O) in [(DPA)Co 2 O 2 ] (about 628 cm 21 in CH 2 Cl 2 ) is also com-
parable to those in [(NH 3 ) 8 Co 2 (m-O 2 )(m-NH 2 )] 4 þ .
As mentioned early, the O 2 chemistry of (FTF3)Co 2 is distinct from that of other
group 2 cofacial porphyrins, which may result from the ( presumed) short separation
of the two porphyrin macrocycles in FTF3. Exposure of solutions of (FTF3)Co 2
containing excess N-methylimidazole to O 2 , followed by I 2 , did not generate an
EPR-active species [Collman et al., 1983a], in contrast to other group 2 porphyrins.
It was proposed that (FTF3)Co 2 might have no affinity to O 2 under the experimental
conditions and could not be oxidized with I 2 , thereby remaining fully reduced and
antiferromagnetically coupled throughout the manipulations. Alternatively, O 2 bind-
ing outside the cavity followed by formation of an intermolecular m-peroxo complex
and its decomposition ( possibly assisted by the excess imidazole and moisture) can
eventually yield a doubly oxidized diamagnetic [(FTF3)Co 2 ] 2 þ . Since FTF3Co 2 is a
poor ORR catalyst, its O 2 chemistry has been little studied.
In summary, the cooperative behavior of the two metal ions determines the dioxygen
chemistry of group 2 bis-Co porphyrins and certain flexible group 1 analogs (e.g., a
mixture of (FTF6)Co 2 and [(FTF6)Co 2 ] 2 þ in benzonitrile conproportionates in the pre-
sence of O 2 to yield a stable [(FTF6)Co 2 O 2 ] þ adduct containing a bridging superoxide
ligand [LeMest et al., 1997]). Unlike monoporphyrin analogs, which bind O 2 only in
the reduced (Co II ) form bearing an appropriate axial ligand, singly oxidized cofacial
bis-Co porphyrins manifest unusually high O 2 affinities even in the absence of
nitrogenous heterocycles. In all studied cases, O 2 binding to singly oxidized group 2
porphyrins (except FTF3) yields bridging m-superoxo adducts, although at present
the binding mode(s) of the m-O 2 2 moiety is unknown. Whereas O 2 adducts of mono-
metalloporphyrins rapidly autooxidize in the presence of protic sources, [(FTF4)Co 2
(O 2 )] þ undergoes reversible protonation (pK a of the conjugate acid in benzonitrile is
12 [Fukuzumi et al., 2004]) and reversible one-electron reduction and (possibly)
one-electron oxidation [LeMest et al., 1998].
Little is known about the O 2 adducts of cofacial corrole/porphyrin, cofacial biscor-
role, or cofacial phthalocyanine derivatives (Fig. 18.13).
18.5.3 ORR Catalysis by Cofacial Diporphyrins: Selectivities
and Structure / Activity Relationships
The selectivities of metal complexes of cofacial porphyrinoids ( porphyrins, corroles,
and phthalocyanines) reported in the literature by mid-2007 are summarized in
Fig. 18.15. The data are organized by the type of catalyst as well as in order of decreas-
ing n av . Whereas ORR catalysis by certain cofacial porphyrins, such as (FTF4)Co 2 and
(DPY)Co 2 (Y ¼ A, B) has been studied extensively by a number of groups, and the
values of n av are known with high degree of confidence, those for most other catalysts
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