Geoscience Reference
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Figure 11.4 Mean wind profiles in a 45 north latitude ABL from the large-eddy
simulations of Deardorff ( 1972a ). The mean wind shear above the surface layer
decreases sharply as
z i /L increases. Neutral curves are read on the right axis,
unstable curves on the left.
Figure 11.5 Streamwise (left) and lateral (right) turbulent stress profiles in theABL
as calculated through large-eddy simulation by Deardorff ( 1972a ). Their curvature
is significant in the neutral case but decreases to nearly zero at
z i /L
45. Neutral
curves are read on the right axis, unstable curves on the left.
The dimensionless parameter fz i /u
is typically
1 or smaller (with f
10 4
s 1 , z i
0 . 3ms 1
1000 m, and u =
it is 1/3). Under increasingly
convective conditions (i.e., as
z i /L increases) we expect decreasing mean wind
shear, so from Eqs. (11.5) we expect decreasing curvature of the stress profiles as
well. Figures 11.4 and 11.5 nicely illustrate this tendency in Deardorff's ( 1972a )
large-eddy simulations.
Figure 11.6 is an idealized model of stress and mean wind profiles in the
barotropic CBL. We can sketch out its vertical structure using surface-layer
coordinates and the momentum equations (11.3) written in the form
∂z =
∂z =
V g ),
f(U g
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