Geoscience Reference
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Figure 11.6 An idealization of mean wind and stress profiles in the barotropic
CBL. w e is the entrainment velocity, Section 11.4.2 ; x and U are in the direction
of the mean wind in the surface layer.
Starting at the surface, U increas es w ith z and V is zero. In the mixed layer U is
constant and V remains zero. As uw decreases linearly to zero at the ABL top its
gradient is constant at u 2
/z i andsothe U -momentum equation (11.6) is
u 2
u 2
z i =−
fV g , so that V g =−
fz i .
Within the mixed layer ∂V/∂z
0sothat vw
0, and from the second of Eqs.
(11.6) U
U g there.
The adjustment V
V g occurs in the interfacial layer, as sketched in Figure 11.6 .
If the wind turning angle is α ,thentan α
u 2
V g /U g
/f U z i . This is typically
u 2
of the order of u /U , which is small, so tan α
/f U z i . Thus, the wind
turning angle can be only a few degrees, much smaller than typical values in neutral
or stable ABLs. Finally, as discussed in Section 11.4.1 entrainment of the inversion
at velocity w e in the presence of a mean velocity jump V generates a lateral stress
w e V
w e αU w e u 2
/f z i at the inversion base, as sketched. The baroclinic case
The meanwind and stress profiles sketched in Figure 11.6 a re not typically observed
in the CBL because naturally occurring horizontal temperature gradients are apt to
make it baroclinic. Equation (11.4) says baroclinity is balanced in steady conditions
by a Coriolis term involving mean wind shear and a term involving the curvature of
the stress profile. A natural question then is whether turbulent mixing can minimize
the mean wind shear so that the baroclinity is balanced mainly by the latter. Figure
11.7 , which shows a 180 degree change in mean wind direction across a very
unstable (
z i /L
250) baroclinic CBL over land, gives little support to this
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