Geoscience Reference
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u ave
Figure 1.4 Profiles of u/u ave in turbulent pipe flow, Eq. (1.8) , “flatten” as the
Reynolds number increases, making the mean shear and mean stress at the wall
much larger than in laminar flow with the same average velocity.
Pipes typically have some wall roughness, and Figure 1.2 indicates that the mean
wall stress increases with that roughness. The explanation ( Kundu , 1990 )isthat
immediately adjacent to the wall in tu rbulent pipe flow is a laminar sublayer of
thickness δ
wall /ρ) 1 / 2 the friction velocity . If the typ-
ical height h r of the individual “bumps” or roughness elements on the wall is
much less than δ , wall roughness has minimal effect and the mean wall stress is
the viscous one given by Eq. (1.9) .Butas h r approaches δ the roughness ele-
ments cause form drag through the pressure distribution on their surface, which
adds to the viscous drag and increases the friction factor f .When h r is large
enough this form drag dominates and f ceases to change with Re , as indicated in
Figure 1.2 .
An analogous situation exists for the wall heat flux H wall (watts m 2 ). It is carried
entirely by the molecular diffusion process called conduction heat transfer :
5 ν/u , with u =
r = R
k ∂T
H wall =−
with k the thermal conductivity (watts m 1 K 1 ). The heat flux is continuous at
the fluid-wall interface, but the temperature gradient there is discontinuous if k of
the wall material and the fluid differ. We shall consider the fluid side.
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