Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information The velocity spectrum
As wavenumber increases and the local eddy Reynolds number Re(r) decreases, the
three-dimensional velocity spectrum also falls away from its inertial-range form.
This departure is observed to occur in the range 0 . 01
0 . 1. There are
analytical models for the spectrum in this range, e.g., that of Pao ( 1965 ), who used
spectral-transfer arguments like those of Corrsin ( 1964 )tofind
α 1 / 3 κ 5 / 3 exp
2 α(κη) 4 / 3 .
7.1.6 Results from direct numerical simulations
The numerical calculation of turbulent flow directly from the Navier-Stokes equa-
tions, which today is called direct numerical simulation , or DNS, has advanced
steadily since the first trials of Orszag and Patterson ( 1972 ) with 32 3
10 4
numerical grid points. Today DNS uses as many as 4096 3
10 10
Figure 7.1 shows scalar spectra from DNS runs that produced stationary, homo-
geneous turbulence of large enough Reynolds number to evidence an inertial
subrange. The Schmidt numbers range from 1/8 to 64. The spectrum for Sc
1 / 8 shows a falloff that is consistent with Corrsin's inertial-diffusive range, Eq.
(7.16) . That for Sc
64 shows Batchelor's κ 1 viscous-convective subrange,
Eq. (7.17) .
7.2 Applications of inertial-range scaling
The Kolmogorov-Obukhov-Corrsin hypothesis that the governing parameters for
scalar turbulence in the scale range
η reduce to r and the cascade rates
and χ c has application to a wide range of problems.
7.2.1 Atmospheric diffusion
Batchelor ( 1950 ) was one of the first to apply the Kolmogorov ( 1941 ) hypotheses to
atmospheric diffusion. He identified two types of problems: diffusion from a fixed,
continuous source, and diffusion of a discrete cloud (today called a puff) of effluent.
The first is the “Taylor problem” we discussed in Chapter 4 ;the Kolmogorov ( 1941 )
hypotheses are not applicable to it (Problem 7.23) .
The second problem can be summarized as follows. An effluent puff released in
homogeneous turbulence is distorted as it is moved about. How does the ensemble-
mean puff diameter D vary with time in the period when D η ?
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