Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Harvesting Your Bounty
Enjoying fresh, tasty veggies from your own garden is the high-
light of having a garden. You'll be amazed at how much better
your smoothies taste when they're made from vegetables that
you've grown and harvested. Vegetables mature at different
times; some are best picked early, some late, and still others
need to be harvested regularly or the plant will stop producing.
All this variation can make it difficult to know when to start
harvesting. In this chapter you will learn how to recognize
when your plants are ready to be picked, which ones will keep
producing for you, which storage methods will keep everything
fresh, and which plants are best for freezing and canning for
winter use.
Tips for an Easy Harvest
We are usually impatient to have our fruit, pods, and seeds ripe
enough to eat. Eating fresh veggies is the reason for having a garden.
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