Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The Benefits of Eating Organic
There are many reasons to choose to grow and eat organically grown
vegetables. Organic food is healthier than food grown with pesticides
and chemicals. It has higher levels of vitamin C and other minerals
such as calcium, iron, chromium, and magnesium. Organic veget-
ables are normally harvested when ripe and are therefore tastier,
more flavorful, and more nutritious.
Organic foods that are processed do not contain any food additives
or artificial hormones, which contribute to health problems such as
migraines, heart disease, and obesity. Children are much more sus-
ceptible to chemicals and pesticides added to vegetables and other
products. Choosing to grow and eat organically grown vegetables is
one way to keep your family healthier.
In conventional or nonorganic growing, vegetables are routinely
sprayed with more than 400 chemical pesticides. They harm the per-
son who eats the food and the person who grows it. They do nothing
to replenish the soil to help it stay healthy and remain fertile. Genet-
ically modified organism (GMO) crops are not allowed under organic
standards but are commonly used in nonorganic or conventional
growing methods. These seeds have not been tested on humans, so
the long-term effects of eating them are still unknown.
Smoothie Garden Solution
Foods that meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture's requirements
for organic production will have a USDA seal. To obtain the seal,
foods must be 95 percent organic. Foods using only organic
products and methods may also state “100% organic” on the pack-
aging. A lower level of organic certification is available for foods
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